Sunday, April 28, 2013

Short note

Here's another short note on Lenora. She's still waiting for improvements in her eyesight. The pain in her leg is much the same. She is adjusting to needing other people to be her eyes, be it to see how much food she's taking at meal times, what she's typing into her iPod or computer, etc. this is why she doesn't communicate much via social media. In spite of this handicap, Lenora does take a walk outside every day since the weather has turned nice. Otherwise she's feeling alright. Seldom nauseous, she eats some every mealtime.
She does enjoy being home.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Biopsy rescheduled indefinitely

  Well, I'm back with a little bit of an update. As I mentioned last week, Lenora was scheduled to have that biopsy done this coming Friday. I'm super happy to inform you the biopsy has been postponed again, this time indefinitely! Lenora does have an MRI scheduled in about 4 weeks to check on the lesion. In the meantime, being home and eating good food will give her body the rest and nutrition it needs to fight the inflammation that has plagued her for so long already.
  Please pray-
- that her vision will be restored soon (it's quite bad at this point)
- Her leg pain will ease off and completely dissipate.
 She doesn't have nausea to speak of and is eating and walking as well as can be expected considering her condition.
  We continually thank God for the healing in her body up to this point and trust that even though we would love to see Lenora heal rapidly, He will provide strength and patience for her to walk the road back to good health as before. Healing isn't an overnight process as we have come to realize. Thank you for praying for Lenora!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Biopsy postponed

Just a quick note in Lenora. Mom and Dad went to Winnipeg yesterday to have a meeting with the Doctor, who agreed to release Lenora for a weekend. The biopsy has been postponed to next week Friday. In the meantime, we're happy to have her at home!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Another biopsy?

Well its been a while since I've posted about Lenora. Not a whole lot has happened since I posted but there is potential change coming up in the near future. Lenora is doing well. She's been waiting around in Health Sciences for the last two weeks while doctors took blood tests, MRI's, etc. She took steroid treatments to get rid of the lesion in her neck, but a follow-up MRI revealed the lesion didn't disappear as expected and possibly got just a bit larger instead. One of Lenora's doctors mentioned a week ago that they wanted to do another biopsy on Lenora sometime. They have scheduled to do this on Friday but are waiting for our go-ahead. We do not want this done if there is an alternative. The plan is to take a sample of brain tissue and see if that reveals anything. Giving the lack of results from the other 2 biopsy's and also how much they set Lenora back, the whole family is dreading this ordeal.  Please pray for an alternative so Lenora won't need to undergo this surgery.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

PET scan

Lenora has been in Winnipeg since last week Wednesday. The doctors have done a lot of testing. Lenora is basically waiting for results at this point. Other then a minor bout with nausea today, Lenora has been feeling fine. Well enough to visit nurses she became friends with on other areas of the hospital she stayed in earlier this year. She had a PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scan this morning. The results are supposed to come back tomorrow. Hopefully she will be released to come home after reviewing them.
We appreciate your prayers as Lenora continues to recover.

Although we don't understand why lenora is walking this path, we fully trust God is in control. The Bible tells us.. 'All things work together for good to those who love God'

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Shunt valve

Just a quick note.. Lenora is in Winnipeg since yesterday evening to get her shunt valve adjusted. It was too loose and causing her nausea. Dr Beco got the valve adjusted so that should help prevent future occurrences of the sort. The plan is that Mom is going home tonight leaving Lenora at Health Sciences for a day or 2.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Blogging less often

Today was an average day for Lenora. Much like yesterday. She mentioned she's got more aching in the leg that used to spasm so much. This started a few days ago and quite possibly comes from the burbles being so messed up for such a long time.
In other news I will be slowing down the regularity of this blog, posting once a week and if something big happens :) if you want more details about how Lenora is doing, she is only a phone call away!

Thank you for thinking about and praying for Lenora over the past 2 and 1/2 months. She would not be where she is now if it wasn't for your prayers. God has been faithful!! It wont be a short journey back to normal by any means but 'with God all things are possible' and I, for one, believe Lenora will one day play basketball again for recreation. That's all for now. Until next time... Take care and God bless you!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Adjusting to home life

   Lenora spent quite a bit of time resting today since traveling made her exhausted. She's also had a headache lurking in the background; enough to be uncomfortable and keep her from running all over the place. She finds Canada really cold to be completely honest but is happy to finally be home again! Lenora has been telling us all about experiences she had while in Mexico. She already misses the hospital staff. She had so much fun with them, in between the needle pokes! Thank you especially for your humor, Good Samaritan staff!!

  The first photo is Lenora on her birthday; the second is the front desk. That verse set the atmosphere for their whole stay.

Knowing there are friends far and wide praying for Lenora's situation means more than we can express. Lenora isn't back to normal health yet so we continue to thank God for Healing up to this point and continue to pray for complete healing. Like the plaque says, With God all things are possible! We are continuing to trust He has it all in His control.

Home at last

Lenora did make it Home sunday night!! The whole family got together at Irvin and Teresa's for supper and then Dad, Mom, and Lenora came home with myself, Cindy, and Londa. We arrived at 11 pm. Yeah it's full house again but it's good to have them home!
A far as Lenora's health is concerned I'll have more on that tonight, probably late, depending on how my evening turns out.