Friday, February 15, 2013

Better in body then spirit

Lenora hasn't thrown up since day before yesterday! She doesn't feel nauseous.
A nurse came into her room and asked
'How are you this morning?'
'Better in body then in spirit' was her reply. It's hard to stay optimistic when there's no diagnostic after more then 4 weeks of waiting. So keep praying for courage and hope in this situation, but especially for a diagnoses!
Lenora did say that having visitors come in made the time pass quicker. She does appreciate it though if you don't all come at the same time :) just a thought to keep in mind when you plan to come see her.
If you can't make it in to see her in person, sending her notes and cards is a great alternative! :)

I'll have more later...

1 comment:

  1. Mailing Address:
    Lenora Loewen
    820 Sherbrook Street
    Winnipeg, Manitoba R3A 1R9
