Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Positive news becoming almost normal!

   It's looking like Lenora is steadily growing stronger! We are ever grateful to God for answering prayers in this way. One very noticeable sign that Lenora is stronger is how well she takes physio-therapy. She wasn't exhausted like yesterday after her daily 1 hour therapy. She likes to push her walker around although she can walk without it. This way she's got it there, just in case :-) 
   Lenora talks a lot, helps to pass the time I guess! Some of you will have noticed how much of a radio she is when she's bored and has nothing better to do! Ha!!
   Hopefully she'll sleep well and feel real strong tomorrow!

-for strength
   -emotional, physical, and spiritual
-ultimately for complete healing of both the lump in her neck and her vision, two primary concerns.

1 comment:

  1. So happy to hear that Lenora is improving so well!... praying!
