Thursday, February 14, 2013

Prayer request

Good morning! I don't have much this morning only this; Lenora asked that I send out a specific prayer request that God will heal her of nauseousness. She didn't throw up yet but she's again feeling like she will. This nauseousness comes and goes. It doesn't allow her to eat and therefore keeps her from re-gaining strength. She has become painfully thin. Her body keeps food for a few hours then her stomach becomes uncomfortable and she again brings up everything she ate. Her body just can't process energy she takes orally. What I'm trying to say is this; Although her face doesn't really reflect it, Lenora is thin. As thin as though she hasn't eaten in a month. She's eaten some since she's been at the hospital but her body has not been able to benefit from any of it.

Here's a reminder from Scripture, I want us to claim for Lenora:

"and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise her up, and if she has committed sins, they will be forgiven her". (James 5:15 NASB)


  1. Lenora asked that you pray especially that a diagnosis can be reached so she can start treatments. She feels that until she can start treatments more and more things will have to be done to keep symptoms at bay. The shunt, drain tube from her head to her stomach, got put in simply cause they haven't started treatments yet. Her condition is only worsening in spite if the little positive signs we keep seeing.

  2. Thank you for the opportunity to pray for Lenora during her time of need. We pray for a full recovery for her.
    Your brothers and sisters in Christ from
    Triangles of Prayer (

  3. magnificent!!! determination exist pray, thrilling..Christian tv
