Sunday, February 17, 2013

Really good day!

  Lenora felt really good today! She didn't need anti-nausea meds. That is exciting! She felt good enough to eat supper with Uncle Peters and Mom in the lounge. Hopefully she keeps improving this way.
  She had lots of company today. You timed it well :) So whether or not you made it a point to come when there was no one else there, very well done! 
   Lenora can move her bottom lip up and down. She can show her teeth slightly when she tries smiling. Feeling is slowly returning to the rest of her face. 
  Thank-you so much for remembering Lenora in your prayers. It's because of your prayers we keep seeing improvements! 
  Seems its the dark days in between that give us reason to rejoice when the clouds lift and the sun shines through warm and bright!! Today was one of those sunny days.   Thank you, Jesus!
   Until tomorrow.... 


  1. I'm so glad! I'll keep praying. God is so good! ~Rose

  2. Hey, Lenora, you are such a blessing! Praying for you.
